Degrees Offered


College Division

Associate of Theology

Graduate of Theology

Bachelor of...
Theology, Christian Counseling,
and Religious Education

Master of...
Theology, Christian Counseling,
and Religious Education

Doctor of:
Theology, Christian Counseling, Religious Education, and Ministry

Doctor of Philosophy in...
Theology, Religion, and
Christian Counseling


Seminary Division

Master of Divinity offered to those
with a secular Bachelor Degree
(96 Cr. Hrs)

Optional degree programs are available for those with previous educational background and ministerial experience.

Life Experience Credit

Full-time Christian service will be considered for credit towards a degree. In some cases, depending on previous education, degree may be earned by submitting a thesis or dissertation.

Course Description (General)

All courses are theologically oriented with special instruction material designed by CBC. Each course has a specific workbook, and in most cases, there is required extra reading. All books and materials are available from CBC.

Credit Transfer Policy

CBC will honor all credits transferred from any qualified Bible college or seminary. In many cases, credits from other colleges can be transferred also. Students in full-time Christian work receive special consideration in evaluation of previous college credit.

Grading System

Grade will be sent to student at the end of each completed course. Transcript(s) available upon completion of program, for a fee $10.00.


A - Superior

B - Excellent

C - Good

D - Fair

E - Failure




© Christian Bible College • P.O. Box 8968 • Rocky Mount, NC 27804-6968

Phone: (252) 451-1031 • Email: Transcript Requests